The Shetland adventure begins! I myself had a really enjoyable week-plus in Scotland visiting with my cousins, then Geoff arrived Thursday for the next leg. We left Edinburgh this morning with our tour group, and have arrived in Aberdeen to catch the overnight ferry to Shetland for the Up Helly Aa festival on Tuesday. We are feeling quite lucky, as the weather forecast for tomorrow is not favourable, and tomorrow’s ferry has already been cancelled, but we seem to be good to go (touch wood) although we have been warned the crossing may be a wee bit rough.
Just before Aberdeen, we stopped at Dunnottar Castle to stretch our legs and, while I didn’t intend to share pre-Shetland Scottish photos, I decided to share this one. The location is amazing, hope you agree.
Hoping we reach Shetland tomorrow not too green around the gills — 🤞🏻– and will post a few pics as we go. No sign of Jimmy Perez or Tosh on the boat, although we are keeping our eyes peeled.
Very excited for you but not the sea journey part.
Looking forward to the Shetland shots. I love sailing in rough waters and don’t get seasick. I am hoping you guys don’t either.