Train leaving soon…

Making an early start this morning, we met the group at 5:30 AM and walked with our bags to the train station. Destination Ulan Baator, train leaves in an hour, I am watching the luggage while my personal assistant goes to find coffee for the two of us.  That flowered shopping bag is not fashionable, but it contains all our food for the two day train trip.   Hope we actually bought what we thought we were at the supermarket, based on Geoff’s language skills we think we know what was on the labels, more or less.  Hoping there is no cat food in the mix. 

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Low-key occasional trip blogger....

5 thoughts on “Train leaving soon…”

  1. Reminds me of Curacao, instead of learning conversational Papiamento we learned grocery Papiamento ! Usually successful, but the occasional surprises when cooking. Hope you remembered the wine in that grocery bag for your evenings….

    Congrats on your blog! I am excited to follow your travels.

  2. I hope Mr. M. was able to find those tomatoes in brine…I know they are your absolute “favourite” 😉
    Better get used to them now! 🙂

  3. I hope you brought enough food!!! And I hope even more it doesn’t contain odds and ends of other species!

  4. I did not realize that you were travelling with a personal assistant! Hope there was no mystery meat in the food. Keep the blog going, it’s fun to travel vicariously with you and Geoff.

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