We’re on Taipei Time…

I feel like we lost a day somewhere, because of the 13-hour time difference, but with the dust now settling on our jetlag, I figure we’ve been in Taipei two full days. Day 1 was spent strolling, and trying to stay awake, then today we met up with our guide and started the official tour. There are 10 of us in total — 5 Australians, an American, an Englishman, and a Korean, with Geoff and me as the Canadian contingent.

We visited a night market to people-watch and have a street-food dinner. If you are not familiar with the concept, these are big open-air bazaars where you can buy a great variety of goods, food, and drink, and they operate from early evening until well into the wee hours of the morning. The food is somewhat eclectic; we shared some beef skewers, then fried sweet potato balls. I’m not a beer drinker, but Geoff drank something interesting: draft from a tap poured into a plastic sleeve, upon which they then snapped the top of a beer can!

Sitting later on a terrace by the street, we saw 3 garbage trucks approaching, with the lead truck playing a loud chiming melody exactly like an ice cream truck in Canada. We marvelled at the music as they pulled up in a row beside us, then apartment-dwellers from surrounding buildings came out to dispose of their garbage, recycling, and organics. And so our “garbage truck chimes puzzle” was solved!

Today we visited the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. He’s a very controversial figure in Taiwan, but is quite revered in this impressive marble monument, with an honour guard 24/7. Apparently Feng Shui dictates that his statue should face east, but Chiang faces west so he can look toward China. Shallow though you may think me, the feature that most impressed me was the trompe l’oeil floor outside the post office at the back entrance. It is a TOTALLY flat floor that you could roll marbles across, but doesn’t it look 3-dimensional?

I’ll close off with a few random shots of Taipei from our subsequent walking tour.

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Low-key occasional trip blogger....

8 thoughts on “We’re on Taipei Time…”

  1. Elizabeth the Better, I am equally shallow, as I am blown away by that floor design. It is spectacular. The statue of Chiang looks very imposing also.
    Happy to hear you’re awake, and that Taipei Time can also be Miller Time. Cheers!

  2. I am sure you are glad you left a couple of days early to acclimatize to the time change. I think the garbage truck chimes are a hoot. And I love that floor!

  3. Thatโ€™s amazing about the garbage truck. And the floor is fascinating. But โ€œstreetโ€ beer! What a country, lol. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. The “ice cream truck” situation….LOL ๐Ÿ™‚
    Loved you on the floating rock!
    Also in your last picture…what is that large smoking lantern-like object? Incense burner?

    1. Yes! Outside the street temple, Maria. The government has banned them, as they create lots of smoke full of bad chemicals, butโ€ฆ. with very little success! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. WOW! What an adventure! Love all the photos; Taroko Gorge looks exceptionally beautiful. Thanks for the awesome updates!

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