And the vacation is nearly over…

We have had an enjoyable time as we reach the end of the tour. Last night we spent in a mountain village called Abyaneh, then made our way back to Tehran over the course of the day, stopping at a couple of other sites, including the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini. Since we are starting to get ready with our packing and thinking about the airport in a few hours, I will just post a few unrelated pictures with not too much narrative. I hope you enjoy them, and I am happy to have been able to share a bit about this beautiful country and its unbelievably friendly peopleā€¦

Can you believe what we paid for dinner?!?!?!?
My friend Marina and I…
Our hotel balcony view, Abyaneh
Here’s our tour group! Canadian, American, English, Australian, German, Swiss…

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Low-key occasional trip blogger....

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